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Logistic regression model

[Cost function in logistic regression]

J(θ)=1mmi=1Cost(hθ(x(i)),y(i))Cost(hθ(x),y)=log(hθ(x))if y = 1Cost(hθ(x),y)=log(1hθ(x))if y = 0

Let's see the plot to get more clearly, first plot is y = 1
[Plot 1]
hθ(x)=1 when y = 1, then the cost J = 0, but if hθ(x)=0 then the cost , for a further explanation,  if hθ(x)=0 or P(y=1|x,θ)=0, but y = 1, we'll penalize the learning algorithm by a very large cost.

When y = 0, the plot is as below
[Plot 2]
Similarly, log(1hθ(x)) will penalize the learning algorithm, if the result is opposite to the actual.

It's useful to use log here, let's take a look on this plot
[Plot 3]
It will stuck at local minimum when using square function in linear regression since it's non-convex, but when transfer by log in logistic regression, it'll guarantee to find the global minimum it's convex.

To combine this two case in one formula, we can get this equation:

and the whole cost function is

The next step is try to find the minimum of the cost function J with gradient descent which we had introduced before gradient-descent-for-multiple-variables, notice that it's needed updating simultaneously.

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